GACS desires to develop Christian character in students by providing member schools with programs that are conducive to mental, moral, spiritual, aesthetic, and physical development.
The Georgia Association of Christian Schools recognizes the need for an instrument which will assist in the assessment of the educational performance of its member schools.
Each year, we present our GACS Educators’ Convention. On odd-numbered years, we host a state convention for Georgia schools.

The Georgia Association of Christian Schools is a service organizations whose mission is to serve the Christian education community in Georgia with excellence. Our desire is to come alongside schools and to support them, to encourage them, to protect them, and to help them be as successful as they possibly can be in their daily ministries.
What’s Happening at GACS
The GACS would like to announce a cooperative partnership with Accreditation International (AI). We now have a cooperative accreditation agreement where our GACS schools can receive international accreditation through AI as well!